Is This Just a Textbook Case-Study or Something Else?

A Curtain Raiser
Do take a look at the statistics given below before and think for a moment before progressing ahead with the hypothetical case-study.
  • 160,000 million fast-food restaurants in USA
  • 50-million mouths enthusiastically chomping down!
NOTE: The statistics have been taken from a report published by the PEW Research Center.
The Case Study
Let’s view the case study now in terms of the situation and the problem.
Situation: Consider two persons: Mr. A and Mr. B.
Mr. A is a normal teenager who has not bent the needle of the weight machine. Mr. B honestly admits to being obese for an average, American teenager.
Problem: Too many soda-pops washing down too many burgers and pizzas seems to be the reason for gaining weight according to Mr. B. So, how does he lose weight and become a normal American teenager like Mr. A?
What can be the solution for this hypothetical case study? A possible solution has been given below.
Solution: Mr. B needs to desist from food rich in fat and needs to follow an active lifestyle witnessing no dearth of physical activity.
NOTE: This is purely a hypothetical case-study created for conceptual purposes and in no way does it real-life incidents.
Our Viewpoint
So, this reads out to be a textbook case-study and what value might it contain? Think in light of the following facts:
  • A normal American tends to gain extra pounds due to having a sedentary life with an absence of effective physical activity.
  • The beverage-intake is more than the water-intake during breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  • Any activity leading to the accumulation of fat within the human body increases its vulnerability to deadly diseases.
Do not be alarmed regarding the validity of these facts because they have put forth by professors of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute in a recently published report.
The President of USA, Barack Obama, harped on the growing concern regarding obesity by saying that nearly one-third of the children are gaining weight. According to him, the time has come for taking definitive action for curbing all diseases due to obesity.
Do reflect on the solution of the case study in terms of the points given below.
  • The solution is not rigid in terms of implementation because you can mould it into any way you like.
  • The solution can vary in terms of implementation level ranging from country-to-country.
  • The solution can also take place in a manner as simple as given.
So why did we give this case study and our corresponding viewpoint? Simply to remind you that at the end of the day, the decision of staying-in-shape lies solely with you, irrespective of numerous surveys with their astounding findings and opinions of well-known personalities.

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Friday 11 April 2014

Is This Just a Textbook Case-Study or Something Else?

A Curtain Raiser
Do take a look at the statistics given below before and think for a moment before progressing ahead with the hypothetical case-study.
  • 160,000 million fast-food restaurants in USA
  • 50-million mouths enthusiastically chomping down!
NOTE: The statistics have been taken from a report published by the PEW Research Center.
The Case Study
Let’s view the case study now in terms of the situation and the problem.
Situation: Consider two persons: Mr. A and Mr. B.
Mr. A is a normal teenager who has not bent the needle of the weight machine. Mr. B honestly admits to being obese for an average, American teenager.
Problem: Too many soda-pops washing down too many burgers and pizzas seems to be the reason for gaining weight according to Mr. B. So, how does he lose weight and become a normal American teenager like Mr. A?
What can be the solution for this hypothetical case study? A possible solution has been given below.
Solution: Mr. B needs to desist from food rich in fat and needs to follow an active lifestyle witnessing no dearth of physical activity.
NOTE: This is purely a hypothetical case-study created for conceptual purposes and in no way does it real-life incidents.
Our Viewpoint
So, this reads out to be a textbook case-study and what value might it contain? Think in light of the following facts:
  • A normal American tends to gain extra pounds due to having a sedentary life with an absence of effective physical activity.
  • The beverage-intake is more than the water-intake during breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  • Any activity leading to the accumulation of fat within the human body increases its vulnerability to deadly diseases.
Do not be alarmed regarding the validity of these facts because they have put forth by professors of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute in a recently published report.
The President of USA, Barack Obama, harped on the growing concern regarding obesity by saying that nearly one-third of the children are gaining weight. According to him, the time has come for taking definitive action for curbing all diseases due to obesity.
Do reflect on the solution of the case study in terms of the points given below.
  • The solution is not rigid in terms of implementation because you can mould it into any way you like.
  • The solution can vary in terms of implementation level ranging from country-to-country.
  • The solution can also take place in a manner as simple as given.
So why did we give this case study and our corresponding viewpoint? Simply to remind you that at the end of the day, the decision of staying-in-shape lies solely with you, irrespective of numerous surveys with their astounding findings and opinions of well-known personalities.

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